Manic Monday Roll Call

on 2/19/12 1:27 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Happy President's Day all! 

I am awake and playing on the computer!  Had an interesting weekend, but overall it was pretty good.  It started with finding out that Molly has been stealing from me.  I am not quite ready to go into it, but needless to say - there WILL be an emergency Therapy appointment sometime later today.  Last night I did allow her to have her 14th birthday party, (seems as though the Bat Mitzvah last year just was not enough! LOL)  Today we ALL went to Blue Mountain to go skiing.  Molly tried again for all of 10 minutes and gave up....more money I will never get back!  UGH!  The skiing was fun, Josh and Emily did fantastic!  We spent the day on the intermdiate slopes with about 40,000,000 other people.  Lesson learned - do NOT go skiing on President's weekend......Pretty sure we are going one more time this season, in two weeks.  Hoping the weather is cooperative.  The spring like conditions today were warmish, however the slopes went from icy to about 5-6 inches of loose powder.  We made it through the day unharmed however, so THAT is always a good thing!

I am headed to bed shortly, and when I wake up, the chaos of a day off begins.  Our refrigerator had been acting up so Larry emptied it and defrosted it and we are mostly done washing the entire thing.  It seems to be back where it needs to be temperature-wise, so off to the market to refill what we had to get rid of.  (I had very little in there anyway!)  Then I have an arms length list of things I want to accomplish.  All of the rest of the day is contingent upon my doing the bills and moving money around.  As much as I love to ski, it is an expensive sport and going two weekends in a row has made quite an impact.  I did, however, make a decision and am pretty sure I am going to start researching purchasing skis for myself.  I will look at end of season sales, and I also know that in the fall one of the ski shops has a huge blow-out tent sale.  So, will be saving for this.  Larry already has his own pair of ski thanks to our good friend Maura.  Her husband bought new skis this year and just handed the old ones over to Larry.  Now if only SHE would buy herself new skis....HAHAHAH!!!  JK!  

That is all for me - I am so VERY happy to not have to go in to work in the morning. I really needed a day off.  I have been struggling with the 8th graders this year and am looking forward to a short week with them. They have exhausted me.  State testing begins shortly.  Then, and I have said this before, I may ask to be written out of work for a few weeks.  I don't know - I will probably chicken out and muddle through doing the best that I can do.

I hope you all have a nice Monday.
Patricia R.
on 2/19/12 9:53 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Steffi,
I hope your daughter's emergency session helps get to the bottom of things.

Today, I am waiting for the nurse to call to let me know when to expect her.  I am in the home stretch of care.  The wounds are healing up nicely.  This has been a long time coming.

After she leaves, I will be finishing my bedroom.  I deep cleaned it yesterday, and stirred up a ton of dust.  Now, I have to strip the bed, and wash all the bedding, and put a ton of laundry away,

I hope everyone is having a blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/19/12 10:40 pm - Croydon, PA
Good morning all.  KIDS!  Sheesh!!!

I spent the weekend being sick in bed with a head/chest cold.  I canceled all my plans and did absolutely nothing but sleep and eat.  The number on the scale this morning had me crying and stressing about where I am in my recovery.  I'll probably post separately about that.

I am at work this morning.  Trying to think of this as a fresh start.  Again.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 2/19/12 11:10 pm
Happy Monday everyone!

I am off work today, but have fully immersed in my training for the Apple job. Mike calls it boot camp. Truth is, I am learning a LOT and love the energy and work evironment! Now if I can just get my work e mail to open!

Today's lineup: Housecleaning (done), some exercise, lunch with an old friend from high school, a little sunshine, and then working on paperwork, bills, and some writing. I have to set up a decent household filing system for down here. It is my least favorite job and I just don't have space to use my "pile it up" method. Oh yes, get a few groceries and organize for my work lunches and workday dinners so I don't get totally off base.

Steffi, good luck with Molly. It is SO hard to be detached in this kind of cir****tance, but I am a huge fan of restitution. If she were mine (and trust me I am thankful that my child raising days are done!) she would get a job and pay me back with 100% of her paychec****il done, or work it off at a rate slightly below minimum wage (like...say....25% of minimum wage per hour of work). Once when Bryce got suspended from school I made him work at home for the 2 days he was off. I made a huge list. If he finished, he was to start again and do them all again. I determined the items on the list, and I determined whether they were done well enough. I not so gently told him that he should be grateful he did not have to scrub the garage with his toothbrush for all his shenanigans. Oh, what a mom I was. I can still almost feel the emotion of those days....but that said, Bryce went through some days of serious rule-testing and I had no support from my ex. I do believe that consequences saved him from himself at certain times. Ages 17-19 were the worst for him partly because of our divorce, but the scenario started playing out at age 14. Fortunately he is now a GREAT guy with the huge responsibility of being a paramedic and he understands a lot now that he didn't then.

Take care everyone!
on 2/20/12 1:12 am
Good Afternoon Steffi and PA!

Is this what I have to look forward to with Dee?? Oh goody?!?! Hang in one said this parenting thing was easy!!

I am off today and so grateful for it! I am doing stuff around the house. The laundry is mostly done and put away. Dee and I are hanging out enjoying a stress free day!! I cleaned the upstairs bathroom, the floor was filthy, guess I need to be on top of that a bit more? LOL!! I will get stuff ready for the week and relax.

Have a great day!!
Love, Beth">">>

on 2/20/12 2:19 am

I am here and working now. 

Gym was busy with all the kids and teachers off :(

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